歡迎來到花蓮 OwlStay 故事所 綠舍 關於這趟花蓮旅程,你需要注意的事項, 小管家都幫你列在下方 在啟程前, 花3分鐘以內的時間確認細節吧 :D
Hi there, welcome to OwlStay - Green Villa. Our staff has prepared a list of important information for your stay in Hualien, please take 3 mins to check before starting the journey : D
Map Information Googl Map 點擊開啟Google導航 Click here for Google map directions
*請注意切勿停到他人私有民宅/民宿之車位,個人貴重物品務必妥善攜帶,並請自付停車保管責任 。
The nearest Railway Station is Zhixue Station in Shoufeng Township, Hualien. Please show the address to the driver - 花蓮縣壽豐鄉大學路二段63巷61號.
重要提醒 Notice
● 入住時間為 15:00~20:00,如無法於此時段入住,請務必提前聯繫,管家將會提供自助入住方式。若臨時改變入住時間, 也請以電郵或電話告知,否則入住時間超過當日 20:00,我們將依照訂房政策,取消您的預訂,請體諒小小民宿, 人力資源無法滿足24小時待命。
Check-in time is 15:00~20:00, if you can’t arrive during the check-in period, please contact us, we will provide the self check-in instruction. If you need to make a change to the reservation, please contact us by email or phone. If you don’t contact us, According to the reservation policy. we will cancel your reservation after 20:00 on the day of your original check in date.
綠舍為親子友善民宿,如有遊戲床、嬰兒澡盆、床圍、奶瓶消毒鍋等,請事先預約 (數量有限,採預約提供)。 We are a Kids-friendly B&B.Please let us know if you need any amenities for your kids. such as baby baths. baby crib, bumper bed, bottle sterilizer. (These amenities only for reserve guests)
綠舍為庭園式民宿,周遭環境有豐富自然生態,夏天會有大量小黑蚊及昆蟲,建議可穿著長袖衣物或準備防蚊用品。若入住期間有需要,也可以向管家借用防蚊液或電蚊香等用品。 Green Villa is rich in natural ecology, with mosquitoes, midges and insects that live on grass, especially in summer time. We suggest our guests wear long sleeve clothing and bring anti-mosquito spray. We also provide anti-mosquito amenities if you need.
全館浴室皆附有吹風機、洗沐用品及大浴巾。為了提倡環保愛護地球, 無提供牙刷牙膏 。 We provide body wash, shampoo, hair dryer and bath towel. For eco-friendly reasons, we don’t offer toothbrushes or toothpaste.
全面禁菸(包含陽台、露台) 若有抽菸需求,請至庭院指定處抽菸 (歡迎詢問管家吸煙處), 若退房後房內有煙味或煙蒂將求償NT3,000以上之清潔費。 No smoking(incl. garden and balcony) Green Villa is a non-smoking area, please smoke outside if you need(Welcome to ask staff about the smoking area). If there are lingering cigarette smells after check out, you will be charged NT3,000 up penalty.
床備品與房內物件若有損壞,請照價賠償。 In case of damage or stain, you will be charged for the replacement.
如需做商業拍攝使用, 請事先以電郵或電話告知,將有人員與您接洽。 If you need to do commercial shooting, please sent the request by email or phone in advance.
We are looking forward to seeing you at Green Villa.
若迷路或有任何問題,再請撥打值班電話 +886-965-120-757。
Please contact us If you get lost and we'd love to help all the time.
管家 XXX
故事所 | 綠舍
OwlStay | Green Villa